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Headteacher's Welcome

It is my pleasure and privilege to be the Headteacher of this nurturing and welcoming primary school. I am committed to developing strong links with children and families to ensure pupils “Grow into the very best versions of themselves.” 

‘Growing Together’ is our school motto; it reminds us that we must all work together to GROW into the very best versions of ourselves. We believe that there is no ceiling to what a child can achieve. All children deserve the opportunity to GROW into the very best version of themselves and our ambition is to support all children in our school to achieve this. Our vision is underpinned by the Parable of the Mustard Seed.“The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest of all seeds on earth. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds can perch in its shade.  Matthew 13: 31-32. In the Bible, the Mustard Seed is often seen as a symbol of faith. The Parable teaches us to have faith in Jesus, faith in ourselves as individuals and faith along our learning journey. Trinity All Saints’ children understand that the Parable teaches us: ‘We can all GROW to be GREAT in God’s love’ When children start our school, they are like the tiny mustard seed and as they move along their learning journey, we work hard to provide them with every opportunity to flourish and grow into the very best versions of themselves ready for the next stage of their learning journey.

Our curriculum drivers of active learning, contented souls and thoughtful citizenship (ACT) ensure our principles for learning promote an active, happy and caring child who has a responsibility to the world in which he or she lives. We offer sporting opportunities and leadership roles to help pupils grow in confidence, sharing their talents with others. Children have access to extensive outdoor space, a purpose-built kitchen to develop their culinary skills, two halls and a range of ICT opportunities. Our curriculum is inclusive and challenging, attending to the academic, emotional and spiritual needs of our pupils. 

We have high expectations for all adults and pupils. Please view our school’s complete mission statement here.

We are immersed in our local community and are especially proud of our link with the “Bingley Community Kitchen” a charity based on our site whose vision is to “Develop a healthier, more food-secure community.” We currently have 227 pupils, which officially means we are smaller than average, but we believe we are the perfect size. I warmly invite you to visit us and see our dedicated staff, amazing pupils and impressive site. Until then, I hope this website and school brochure will give you an insight into Trinity and all it has to offer.

Mrs Taylor (Headteacher):