Our Learning
Our curriculum is shaped by our school vision, Growing Together, which aims to enable all children (regardless of background, ability, or additional needs) to become the very best version of themselves. Our Vision and Values are underpinned by 'The Parable of the Mustard Seed'. We believe strongly that from 'Tiny Beginnings; Amazing is always Possible.'
Using the National Curriculum, we have devised our growth journeys (see below) which are coherently planned and sequenced. Each growth journey shares how our children are fully immersed in their learning and ensures we deliver a clear and concise curriculum, building on skills and knowledge year by year and sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children. It is important that the children develop progressive skills throughout their time at Trinity All Saints CE Primary School, as well as developing an enjoyment and enthusiasm for learning and leaving us ready for the next stage of their learning journey.
We incorporate our Power of Three curriculum drivers (ACT) within our planning, ensuring children are Active in their learning, Contented in themselves and Thoughtful as a citizen.
Click below to view our following documents:
What does an active learner look like?
What does a contented soul look like?
What does a thoughtful citizen look like?
Click here for more details on our ACT curriculum drivers
We enhance our curriculum with a promise to open windows to worlds unseen and adventure. This we will do through planned activities from EYFS to Y6. (See our curriculum promise document for more detail).
Please click here for more information about our EYFS Unit and curriculum.
Please click here for more information about joining our nursery.