EYFS Curriculum
Last update: 2023-06-27
At our Trinity All Saints EYFS unit we intend that our active and ambitious curriculum educates our children in the knowledge skills and understanding to become independent, curious, confident and happy learners.
We aim to provide children with the best possible start in life providing them with the support they need to fulfil their full potential and to achieve throughout their school life. We are passionate about our children ‘learning how to learn’ supporting them to believe in themselves and to always reach for the stars.
We endeavour to provide children with a challenging and nurturing environment with daily opportunities to experience the seven areas of the curriculum. This is achieved through a balance of guided learning with an adult and play based learning through topics in our carefully planned learning environment. We are passionate about providing a curriculum which is informed by children's individual fascinations and their learning needs through precise next steps.
We aspire our EYFS children to leave us as:
Active Learners
- Ambitious and resilient in their mindset - We want children to try hard and to keep going when things get tough and to contribute positively to their class and the wider school community.
- Proactive and determined to achieve - We want children to learn how to ask for help and for adults to support them to become active motivated learners.
- Energised and ready for new learning- We aim to foster curiosity and excitement for new learning by providing fun and active experiences in class.
Contented Souls
- Confident communicators – We aim to support children to learn how to communicate by providing a language rich environment and to support children to listen effectively.
- Healthy in their hearts and minds - We are passionate about teaching children to learn how to communicate positively and how to regulate their feelings. We promote the use the outdoor space to develop physical skills and confidence.
- A secure understanding of themselves as individuals - We help children to develop self esteem, positive relationships and develop their awareness of themselves being part of the wider community.
Thoughtful Citizens
- Valued by peers and their community - We want children to learn how to become active participants of their class and the wider school and to contribute towards the whole school commitments such as house teams.
- Empowered to do good - We want our children to develop an understanding of British values and learn how to make our world a better place.
- Strengthened by their Christian values - We provide our children the opportunity to take part in regular collective worship and to learn about how Christian values help to make us better people.
Strong Relationships
At our Trinity All Saints EYFS unit we build secure and positive relationships with children and their families, Family is the single most important influence in a child's life and we recognise that positive parental relationships and engagement is an very important factor towards to children’s progress. We work hard to ensure children are settled and happy in school by providing open days to visit our setting and a further home visit to allow children to get to know staff before they start school.
A Clear Curriculum
We ensure the content of the curriculum is differentiated to meet the needs of all children and is taught consistently and clearly so that children build upon prior learning. ‘Development Matters’ is used as guidance whilst the Characteristics of Effective Learning, underpin the children’s learning and development across the seven areas. Careful observation, teacher assessments and gap analysis inform us when children are not on track to achieve their age expected goal. This is then used to inform individualised planning for guided activities and quality provision. As the foundation of early learning, the prime areas of the curriculum are integrated throughout the specific areas of learning through themes and topics. These plans are flexible and can be adjusted to reflect the changing needs and interests of all our children.
The areas of development are:
Characteristics of effective Learning |
Prime areas of Learning |
Specific areas of Learning |
Playing and Exploring | Communication and Language | Literacy |
Active Learning | Personal Social and Emotional Development | Maths |
Creating and Thinking Critically | Physical Development | Understanding the World |
Expressive Arts and Design |
A Purposeful Environment
Our implementation focuses on engaging children through awe and wonder, and cultivating their unique personalities and interests. Teachers know children well, which allows us to provide individualised experiences for children to build on their knowledge and skills. Observations help us to provide clear and concise next steps in a ways that motivates the child as we know children learn best when they are engaged and excited to learn. Our environment has a cosy home-from-home feel which supports emotional wellbeing, settles children and supports independence. Children are included in where they want to go next with their learning and opportunities have purpose to make their learning more meaningful. Daily phonics and maths are taught and in our areas of provision, themed activities include opportunities to develop a love of early reading writing and number skills. We provide free flow outdoor provision as well as enrichment activities such as outdoor learning in our extensive school grounds, out of school trips and visitors to our EYFS unit. This ensure high levels of engagement and enjoyment within our Early Years provision. Children also attend a monthly early years worship at our church, Holy Trinity. We provide an inclusive environment at our EYFS unit and children who need extra support to access learning whether it be a special educational need, English as an additional language or more vulnerable pupils are identified as early as possible and their needs are supported through our individualised assessment and planning.
Celebrating Learning
Children’s daily achievements are showcased online to parents through the use of the Tapestry learning journal. This allows parents to see children’s learning as it happens and to be included in their children’s next steps on their learning journey. Parents can also feed into this and share their own observations and celebrations of children learning at home. Our children are involved in the wider school initiative of belonging to a ‘house’, working collectively together in a team to share successes.
As a result of a purposeful and engaging Early Years curriculum, the children in our Trinity All Saints EYFS unit have a positive attitude to learning and they are excited to come to school.
Children have acquired a good foundation in early phonics and maths skills and are ready for more formal learning. Their language has developed well and they are proud of their achievements. They have made good friendships, developed speaking and listening and attention skills and are ready for the next stage of their learning journey in Reception class.
Our curriculum impacts in a positive way on pupil progress ensuring that the needs of individual children including EAL, SEND and disadvantaged children can be met by accessing high quality first teaching and personalised interventions. We measure the percentage of pupils achieving age related expectations by the end of EYFS.
Impact will also be shown by how it helps our pupils develop into happy motivated learners who show awareness of ACT values and have the knowledge, skills and attitudes which will make them lifelong learners and make a positive contribution to society.