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Contact Us

Our children lie at the heart of everything we do at Trinity All Saints Primary School. Every decision within our school is made by firstly considering what is best for our children.

We look forward to meeting you and your family.

Please use the email address below if you wish to look around the school or would like further information about Trinity All Saints Primary School here in Bingley.  View or download our Prospectus/Parent Handbook

Headteacher: Mrs R Timms

Chair of Governors: The Reverend Martyn Weaver

Special Educational Needs Coordinator: Miss L Armstrong

For paper copies of documents on our website, please contact Mrs V Frasse-Sombet - Office Manager.

Trinity All Saints Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School

Church Street
West Yorkshire
BD16 2PP

Telephone: 01274 564977


We are part of the Collaborative Learning Trust.

94-96 Pegholme

Wharfebank Mills 


West Yorkshire

LS21 3JP

01943 262203

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