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Collective Worship

What is collective worship?

Collective worship is a very important part of our school life. It is when the whole school (adults and pupils) comes together to focus on our Christian values, major religious events and other celebrations. During our worship, we have the opportunity to join in with prayers, songs and reflections. Our cycle of collective through the week is:

  • Monday (whole school worship)
  • Tuesday (class worship including answering our 'big question' posed during Monday's worship)
  • Wednesday (worship through song)
  • Thursday (Church collective worship)
  • Friday (whole school worship focusing on achievement)

Collective worship leaders

At the beginning of each academic year, a child is chosen from each class (Reception to Year 6) to be their class worship leader. Their responsibilities include:

  • Carrying the class candle into worship.
  • Supporting the adult leading worship (e.g. reading aloud prayers, taking part in drama etc).
  • Evaluating collective worship and suggesting changes/improvements. 

Worship leaders will also begin to plan and lead collective worship regularly during the year. 

Collective worship diary - see the attachment